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Fenugreek Seed Powder / வெந்தயப் பொடி
₹60.00 – ₹300.00Botanical Name: Trigonella foenum-graecum (Seed)
Tamil Name: வெந்தயப் பொடி / Venthayap Podi
Malayalam Name: ഉലുവ / വെന്തിരം / Uluva / Venthiam
Telugu Name: మెంతులు / Menthulu
Hindi Name: मेथी दाना / Methi DanaDescription:
Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) leaves and seeds have been used extensively for medicinal purposes. Fenugreek seed is known to exhibit anti-diabetic and anti-nociceptive properties and effects such as hypocholesterolaemic, anti-cancer and thyroxine-induced hyperglycaemia. Fenugreek seed in powder or germinated form exhibits anti-diabetic properties, hypocholesterolaemic effect, anti-cancer effect, effect on thyroxine-induced hyperglycaemia and protective effect on ethanol toxicity. It has been used to relieve colds, bronchial complaints, influenza, asthma, catarrh, constipation, sinusitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, sore throat, laryngitis, hay fever tuberculosis and emphysema.
Nutraceutical Properties: Fiber: The fiber content of fenugreek seed extract plays a role in its ability to moderate metabolism of glucose in the digestive tract. Fenugreek can be used as source of natural antioxidants because of the fiber content.
Protein: Fenugreek endosperm is highly rich in protein such as globulin, albumin, histidine and lecithin. Seed of fenugreek has a high proportion of protein ranging from 20 to 30% as well as amino acid, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which contains high potential for insulin-stimulating activity.
Vitamins and Minerals: Fenugreek seed is a rich source of vitamins viz. vitamin A, B1, B2, C, nicotinic acid and niacin. In Minerals, it contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, Zinc and iron. Therapeutic Uses: இளைப்பு நோய் (Tuberculosis), குருதி அழல், நீரிழிவு (Diabetes), நீர்வேட்கை, உடல் எரிச்சல், வெள்ளை (Leucorrhoea).Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Fever Nut Powder / கழற்சிக்காய் பொடி
₹110.00 – ₹550.00Botanical Name: Caesalpinia bonduc. (Fruit)
Tamil Name: கழற்சிக்காய் பொடி / Kalarchikkaai Podi
Malayalam Name: കാളാഞ്ചി / Kalanchi
Telugu Name: గచ్చ్చకాయ / Gachchakaya
Hindi Name: कांटकरंज / KantkarejDescription:
Caesalpinia Bonducella is classified under the family of Caesalpiniaceae. It commonly known as Fever Nut, Bonduc Nut, and Nicker Nut.
Traditional Uses: Leaves, seeds, stem, bark, nuts, and roots are useful in herbal medicines including Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and Homeopathy. In conventional system of Indian medicine, Fever Nut is largely used for its antiperiodic (Menstrual Cycle), antipyretic (Fever), anti-inflammatory (Piles), antimalarial and also used for different diseases viz., skin diseases, hydocele, leprosy, convulsions, paralysis and analogical nervous complaints.Dosage: Mix 10 g of pepper powder with whole packet. At morning in empty stomach take 1/2 teaspoon (3g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Five Leaved Chaste Tree Powder / நொச்சி இலைப் பொடி
₹50.00 – ₹250.00Botanical Name: Vitex negundo (Leaf)
Tamil Name: நொச்சி இலைப் பொடி / Nochhi Ilai Podi
Malayalam Name: ഇന്ദ്രാണി / Indrani
Telugu Name: నల్ల-వావిలి / Nallavavilli
Hindi Name: निरगुन्डी / NirgundiDescription:
Vitex negundo belongs to the family Verbanaceae which comprises of 5 Genera and nearly 250 species which is commonly known as five leaved chaste tree. The leaves are most potent for medicinal use. Traditional Uses: Vitex negundo has been used to several ailment such as inflammation, eye disease, toothache, ulcers, fever, asthma, headache, digestion problems, sinuses, bronchitis, antibacterial, antipyretic, antihistaminic, analgesic, insecticidal, antidote for snake bite, etc. The leaves of these plants have been shown mosquito repellent effects as well as ant. The plant also found to have anticancer, rheumatoid arthritis healing and hepatoprotective potentials. The leaves are used for treatment inflammation, skin-ulcers, gonorrhoea, and bronchitis.
Pharmocological properties: Oral administration of the leaves claims to have antihyperglycemic, antibacterial, antipyretic, antihistaminic agents, anti-implantation activity.
Therapeutic Uses: அழல் சுவாசம், நாசிப் பிணி (Nasal disease), வலி (Pain).Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Fullers Earth Powder / முல்தானி மட்டிப் பொடி
₹40.00 – ₹200.00Botanical Name: Bentonite Clay
Tamil Name: முல்தானிமட்டி / Multhani Matti
Malayalam Name: മുൾട്ടാണി മിട്ടി / Multani Mitti
Telugu Name: ముల్తానీ మడ్ / Multani Mud
Hindi Name: मुल्तानी मुद / Multani MudDescription:
Multani Matti has wide variety of benefits in facial care such as oil control, works well for acne-prone skin and also helps to remove scars and blemishes. Also, helps to reduce blackening of neck. Further, it helps to reduce Dark Patches, Pimples / acenes, removes tan, to treat sagging skin, removes dead cells, treating skin pigmentation, improving your skin textures, makes absorb oils in skin, prevent blemishes and more. Fullers Earth not only cure skin sensitivities but also it is an extraordinary solution for different types of Skin issues.External Usage: Take 2 teaspoon powder (10g) mix with curd or pure rose water apply in face (except eyebrow) then wash after 10 minutes.
Ginger Root Powder / சுக்குப் பொடி
₹150.00 – ₹750.00Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale (Root)
Tamil Name: சுக்குப் பொடி / Sukku Podi
Malayalam Name: ഇഞ്ചി / Enchi
Telugu Name: అల్లము / Allamu
Hindi Name: अदरक / AdrakDescription:
Ginger, the rhizome of Zingiber officinale, species of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) has a long history of medicinal use for more than 2500 years as one of the most versatile medicinal plants having a wide spectrum of biological activity and a common flavour enhancer for various foods and beverages. The medicinal properties of ginger are due to the presence of gingerol and paradol, shogaols, etc. Currently, it is used for treatment of several diseases and conditions. This is use as anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial and various kind of disease.
Therapeutic Uses: செரியாமை (Indigestion), இருமல் (Cough), குன்மம் (Painful gastrointestinal disorders with indigestion),நெஞ்செரிப்பு (Heart Burn).Dosage: Daily any two times after food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Goldeneye Grassroot Powder / நிலப்பனைக்கிழங்குப் பொடி
₹130.00 – ₹650.00Botanical Name: Curculigo orchioides (Root)
Tamil Name: நிலப்பனைக்கிழங்குப் பொடி / Nilappanai kzhangu Podi
Malayalam Name: നിലപ്പനെയേ / Nilappenea
Telugu Name: తాలమూలి / Nelamuli
Hindi Name: काली मूसली / Kali MooslieDescription:
Curculigo orchioides (Golden Eye Grass) is a perennial herb with long cylindrical rhizomes. The rhizome, as well as the tuberous roots of the plant has been extensively used in indigenous systems of medicine in India, Pakistan, China and some other Asian countries for the treatment of various diseases. The rhizomes of this plant possess various medicinal as well as other properties such as cooling, diuretic, aphrodisiac, tonic hemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, pruritis, skin diseases, asthma, bronchitis, jaundice, cancer, diarthrosis wound healing.
Therapeutic Uses: சூலை நோய் (Painful diseases), கரும் புள்ளி (Black Spot), மேக அனல், மேக நோய் (Venereal diseases), வெண்குஷ்டம் (Leucoderma).Dosage: Twice or thrice a day, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled milk & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Gulmohar Leaf Powder / வாத நாராயண இலைப் பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Delonix elata (Leaf)
Tamil Name: வாத நாராயண இலைப் பொடி / Vathanarayana ilai Podi
Malayalam Name: വാദനാരായണൻ / Vadhanarayanan
Telugu Name: చిన్న సెరిబిసిరి / Chinna Seribiseri
Hindi Name: वयकरण / WaykaranDescription:
Delonix elata is commonly known as ‘White Gulmohur’ belonging to the family of Fabaceae and subfamily Caesalpinoideae.
Traditional Uses: The medicinal value of tree is acknowledged by people living in the villages who take a decoction of the leaves and barks to get relief from rheumatic problems like pain and stiffness of the joints, especially affecting the knees. In Siddha System, they use the Gulmohur bark and leaves for treating inflammation and arthritic conditions. Also used to treat for அழல் கீழ் வாயு (Osteo Arthritis).Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Gurmar Leaf Powder / சிறுகுறிஞ்சான் பொடி
₹80.00 – ₹400.00Botanical Name: Gymnema sylvestre (Leaf)
Tamil Name: சிறுகுறிஞ்சான் பொடி / Sirukurinjaan Podi
Malayalam Name: ചക്കരക്കൊല്ലി / Shiru Kuranja
Telugu Name: పొడపత్రి / Podapatr
Hindi Name: गुरमर / GurmarDescription:
Gymnema sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae) also known as ‘gurmar’ or ‘sugar destroyer’ is a woody, climbing traditional medicinal herb which has many therapeutic applications in Ayurvedic and Siddha system of medicine. It is used for lowering serum cholesterol, triglycerides and blood glucose level (hypoglycemic or antihyperglycemic), hypolipidaemic, weight loss, stomach ailments, constipation, water retention and liver diseases, either high or low blood pressure, tachycardia or arrhythmias, and used as aperitive, purgative, in eye troubles, antiinflammatory, smooth muscle relaxant, prevention of dental caries, cataract and as anticancer-cytotoxic agent. Also, Gymnema sylvestre is an important herb in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus due to the presence of oleanane, dammarane types of secondary metabolites and antioxidants like flavonoids, cinnamic acid, folic acid, ascorbic acid etc. along with potential health benefit.
Traditional Use: Gurmar was used as sugar destroyer and also useful in dyspepsia, constipation, hepatitis, hemorrhoids, renal and vesicle calculi, cardiopathy, asthma, bronchitis, amenorrhea, conjunctivitis and leukoderm.
Therapeutic Uses: நஞ்சுகள் (Toxins), வளிசுரம் (Rheumatic Fever), நீரிழிவு (Diabetes).Dosage: At morning empty stomach & evening, take 1/2 teaspoon (2g) powder boil with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Henna Leaf Powder / மருதாணி இலைப் பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Lawsonia inermis (Leaf)
Tamil Name: மருதாணி இலைப் பொடி / Maruthaani ilai Podi
Malayalam Name: മൈലാഞ്ചി / Mailanji
Telugu Name: గోరింటాకు / Gorintaaku
Hindi Name: मेहंदी / MehandiDescription:
Lawsonia inermis is commonly known as henna, which is recognized in traditional system of medicine. It consists of various categories of phytoconstiuents like flavonoids, coumarins, triterpenoids, steroids, xanthones.
Traditional Uses: Henna leaf used to treat headache, hemicranias, lumbago, bronchitis, boils, ophthalmia, syphilitis, sores, amenorrhea, scabies, diseases of the spleen, dysuria, bleeding disorder, skin diseases, diuretic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-amoebiasis, astringent, anti-hemorrhagic, hypotensive and sedative effect. Fresh leaves also used as a topical antiseptic for fungal or bacterial skin infections, including ringworm. Further, It helps to improve hair health.
External Uses: Take adequate quantity of powder mix with water apply to nails or apply to hair then wash after 20 minutes. -
Herbal Nalungu Bath Powder / மூலிகை நலுங்குப் பொடி
₹130.00 – ₹650.00Botanical Name: Herbal Nalungu Bath powder
Tamil Name: மூலிகை நலுங்குப் பொடி / Mooligai Nalungu Podi
Malayalam Name: നാലുങ്ങു മാവു / Nalungu mavu
Telugu Name: నలుఁగు పిండి / Nalungu Pindi
Hindi Name: नालङ्गू आता / Nalungu aataDescriptions:
Herbal Nalungu Powder contains herbal formulation from Nine herbs.
1) Cassia Auriculata Dried Flower 12%
2) Artemisia Pallens Dried Stem Leaf 12%
3) Curcuma aromatica Dried Root 12%
4) Hedychium spicatum Dried Root 12%
5) Rosa Centifolia Dried Flower 12%
6) Vigna radiate Dried Fruit 10%
7) Cyperus Rotundus Dried Root 10%
8) Trigonella foenum –graecum Drd.Seed 10%
9) Ruta graveolens Dried Leaf 10%Age Group: Children (Below 10 Years)
Directions (External Uses): While bathing to children take 2 teaspoon powder mix with water then apply to the whole body and then bath. -
Herbal Seekakaai Powder / மூலிகை சீவக்காய் பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Herbal Seekakaa Powder
Tamil Name: மூலிகை சீவக்காய் பொடி / Mooligai Seekakaai Podi
Malayalam Name: കമലാന്താ / Carmalantala
Telugu Name: చికాయ / Chikaya
Hindi Name: हिकाकाई / HikakaiDescriptions:
Herbal Seekakaai Powder contains herbal formulation from Nine herbs. Composition:
1) Acacia concinna Dried Fruit 20%
2) Eclipta prostrata Whole Plant 10%
3) Phyllanthus Emblica Dried.Frt.Rind 10%
4) Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Dried Leaf 10%
5) Sapindus emarginatus Dried Fruit 10%
6) Murraya koenigii Leaf 10%
7) Trigonella foenum graecum Seed 10%
8) Vigna radiate Seed 10%
9) Lawsonia Inermis Leaf 10%Directions (External Uses): While bathing, take 2 teaspoon powder mix with water and then apply to the hair then bath.