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Shaggy Buttonweed Powder / நத்தைச் சூரிப் பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Spermacoce articularis (Whole Plant)
Tamil Name: நத்தைச் சூரிப் பொடி / Naththai Choori Podi
Malayalam Name: മധുരക്കിഴങ്ങ് / Nattachuri
Telugu Name: మధన చెట్టు / Madhana Chettu
Hindi Name: मदनघंटी / MadanaghantiDescription:
Spermacoce hispida (Shaggy Button weed) is prominently used for treatment of various diseases and in the form of various preparations. It extensively usedin Siddha system of medicine for various conditions including decreasing the blood sugar levels.
Traditional Uses: ‘Shaggy Button weed’ is used to heal stomach ailments, anti-dandruff, remedy for coughs and malaria. Seeds are used to diarrhoea and dysentery, internal injuries of nerves and kidney. The wholeplant of the plant is an effective drug for the treatment of hypertension and it has hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. The leaves of this plant are used as ophthalmic, inflammation of eye and gums, blindness, carache, fever, spleen complaints, sore, conjunctivitis, hemorrhage, gallstones, dysentery, and diarrhoea, and the decoction of the leaves, roots, and seeds is used in India for edema.
Therapeutic Uses: எலும்பு உளுத்தல் நோய் (Osteoporosis).Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Shatterstone Powder / கீழாநெல்லிப்பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Phyllanthus amarus (Whole Plant)
Tamil Name: கீழாநெல்லிப்பொடி / Keela Nelli Podi
Malayalam Name: കീഴാർനെല്ലി / Kizanelli
Telugu Name: నెల ఉసిరిక / Nela Usirika
Hindi Name: जंगलिअमली / JangliamliDescription:
Phyllanthus (family- Euphorbiaceae) are widely distributed throughout the world. These plants are used in folk medicine for treatment of several diseases, such as disturbances of kidney and bladder calculi, intestinal infections, diabetes and hepatitis B virus. Also, the decoctions of various parts of the herbs are used for treating hepatic, urinary, and sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and wounds.
Therapeutic Uses: அழல்நோய்கள் (Diseases due to deranged Pitta humour), சப்த தாது சுரம் (Fever), காமாலை (Jaundice), குருதிக்கழிச்சல் (Dysentery), மதுமேகம் (Diabetes Mellitus), வயிறு மந்தம் (Indigestion), வெப்பு நோய் (All types of fever).Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (2g) powder mix with honey or boil with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam / சௌபாக்கிய சுண்டி சூரணம் / Pirasava Chooranam
₹150.00 – ₹750.00Tamil Name: சௌபாக்கிய சுண்டி சூரணம் / Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam / பிரசவ சூரணம் / Pirasava Chooranam
Malayalam Name: സൗപാകിയ സുന്ദി ചൂരണം
sapākiya sundi cūraṇaṁ
Telugu Name: సౌపాకియ సుండీ చూరణం / Saupākiya suṇḍī cūraṇaṁ
Hindi Name: सौपाकिया सुंडी चूरानाम / Saupaakiya sundee chooranamDescriptions:
Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam (also Known as Pirasava Chooranam) contains herbal formulation of Sixteen herbal plants.
1) Zingiber Officinale Dried Rhizome. 25%
2) Eclipta Prostrata Whole Plant. 5%
3) Glinus lotoides L. Whole Plant. 5%
4) Barleria Prionitis L. 5%
5) Glinus Oppositifolius Leaf. 5%
6) Butea Monosperma Dried Leaf. 5%
7) Embeliaribes Burm. 5%
8) Terminalia Bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxn. 5%
9) Phyllanthusemblica 5%
10) Piper Longum 5%
11) Piper Longum 5%
12) Withania Somnifera 5%
13) Cissampelos Pareira 5%
14) Solanum Surattense Burm 5%
15) Hemi desmusindicus R.Br. 5%
16) Curculigo Orchioides Gaertn. 5%Therapeutic Indications: வாயூறல் (Saliva Secreation), வாய்க்கசப்பு (Mouth Bitterness), வயிறு சம்பந்தமான நோய்கள் (Stomach related diseases) யாவும் தீரும். It helps to women after delivery to enhance their immunity and body strength.
Dosage (Internal Uses): Before morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Spade Flower Powder / ஓரிதழ் தாமரை பொடி
₹120.00 – ₹600.00Botanical Name: Hybanthus enneaspermus (Whole Plant)
Tamil Name: ஓரிதழ் தாமரை பொடி / Orithal Thamarai Podi
Malayalam Name: ഒരില താമര / Orilai Thamarai
Telugu Name: రతంపురుష / Ratanpurusha
Hindi Name: रतन पुरुष / Ratan PurushDescription:
Hybanthus enneaspermus which is called Orithalthamarai in Tamil is one of the important plants used in the treatment of anaemia. H.enneaspermus is a small herb under Violaceae family. It is also known as “hump back flower”. It has various ethno botanical applications and medicinal claims.
Traditional Uses: Hybanthus enneaspermus (Spade Flower) is easily digested, removes kapha and pitta, urinary calculi, stangury, pain, dysentery, vomiting, burning, wandering of the mind, urethral discharge, blood troubles, asthma, epileptic fits, cures cough, gives tone to the breast, alexetric (Ayurveda). It claims to cure anaemia and improve blood quality. Also increases the testosterone in males.Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Spiked Ginger Lily Powder / பூலாங்கிழங்குப் பொடி
₹130.00 – ₹650.00Botanical Name: Hedychium spicatum (Rhizome)
Tamil Name: பூலாங்கிழங்குப் பொடி / Poolankizhangu Podi
Malayalam Name: കച്ചോലം / Katcholam
Telugu Name: కచ్చురాలు / Kachuralu
Hindi Name: कपूरकचरी / KapurkachariDescription:
Hedychium spicatum is commonly known as Spiked Ginger Lily. It is found in the entire Himalayan region.
Traditional Uses: Traditionally, the rhizomes are used in the treatment of respiratory disorders, fevers, tranquilizer, hypotensive, antispasmodic, CNS depressant, nalgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, pediculicidal and cytotoxic activities. The powdered rhizome in divided doses is used in conditions like bronchial asthma, cough, chest heaviness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and pulmonary eosinophilia. The rhizomes are also used in dyspepsia, diarrhea, piles, liver complaints, ulcers, skin diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. Also, used for external uses.Usage (External): Take 2 teaspoon (5g) powder mixed with curd or rose water, apply to face then wash after 30 minutes.
Stoneapple Fruit Powder / வில்வை பழப் பொடி
₹50.00 – ₹250.00Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos (Dried Fruit)
Tamil Name: வில்வை பழப் பொடி / Vilvai Pazha Podi
Malayalam Name: കൂവളം ഫലം / Koovalam Pzhalam
Telugu Name: మెంతులు / Menthulu
Hindi Name: बेला फल / Bela phalDescription:
Aegle marmelos (Stoneapple or Bael Fruit) which belongs to the family Rutaceae is available in several places in India. Traditional Uses: Stoneapple traditionally used for various diseases includes abdominal disorders, ulcer, cholera, diarrhea, nerve disorders, gonorrhea, heart disorders, dog bite, jaundice, snake bite and many more.
Pharmacological activities: The plant also possess various pharmacological activities such as Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antidiarrheal, Antidiabetic, Antiproliferative, Cytoprotective, Hepatoprotective, Antifertility, Analgesic, Antiarthritis, Contractile, Antihyperlipidemic, Cardioprotective, Radioprotective, Anticancer, Antiviral, Antiulcer, Immunomodulatory and Wound Healing properties.
Therapeutic Uses: The different parts of Bael are used for various therapeutic purposes, such as for treatment of Asthma, Anaemia, Fractures, Healing of Wounds, Swollen Joints, High Blood Pressure, Jaundice, Diarrhoea (கழிச்சல் நோய்). Aegle marmelos has been used as a herbal medicine for the management of diabetes mellitus in Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha systems of medicine in India, Bangladesh and SriLanka.Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Stoneapple Leaf Powder / வில்வை இலைப் பொடி
₹60.00 – ₹300.00Botanical Name: Aegle marmelos (Leaf)
Tamil Name: வில்வை இலைப் பொடி / Vilvai ilai Podi
Malayalam Name: വിൽവം / Vilvam
Telugu Name: బిల్వ / బిల్వ-పండు / Bilva / Bilva-pandu
Hindi Name: बेल / बेल श्रीफल / Bael / Bael SripalDescription:
Aegle marmelos (Stoneapple Leaf / Fruit) which belongs to the family Rutaceae is available in several places in India.
Traditional Uses: Stoneapple traditionally used for various diseases includes abdominal disorders, ulcer, cholera, diarrhea, nerve disorders, gonorrhea, heart disorders, dog bite, jaundice, snake bite and many more.
Pharmacological activities: The plant also possess various pharmacological activities such as Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antidiarrheal, Antidiabetic, Antiproliferative, Cytoprotective, Hepatoprotective, Antifertility, Analgesic, Antiarthritis, Contractile, Antihyperlipidemic, Cardioprotective, Radioprotective, Anticancer, Antiviral, Antiulcer, Immunomodulatory and Wound Healing properties.
Therapeutic Uses: Aegle marmelos has been used as a herbal medicine for the management of diabetes mellitus in Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha systems of medicine in India.Dosage: Before morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Tanner’s Cassia Flower Powder / ஆவாரம்பூப் பொடி
₹80.00 – ₹400.00Botanical Name: Cassia Auricalata (Flower)
Tamil Name: ஆவாரம்பூப் பொடி / Aavaam Poo Podi
Malayalam Name: അവരം പൂവ് / Avaram Poo
Telugu Name: తంగేడు / Tangedu
Hindi Name: तरवार / TarwarDescription:
Cassia auriculata Linn commonly known as Tanners Senna, is also known as Avaram tree. The plant has been reported to possess antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antiperoxidative and antihyperglyceamic and microbicidal activity. C.auriculata has been shown to antiviral activity and anti spasmodic activity.
Traditional Uses: The plant is used in the traditional system of medicine for female antifertility, leprosy, worm infestation, diarrhoea, disease of pittam. The plant has been widely used as a cure for rheumatism and conjunctivitis. The various parts of the plant were reported to exert a beneficial effect to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes. This medicinal plant has been used for a long time to treat several ailments including diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, skin infections, female infertility, worm infestation, leprosy, diarrhoea, urinary disorder and digestive issues.Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boil with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Tanner’s Cassia Leaf Powder / ஆவாரை இலைப்பொடி
₹50.00 – ₹250.00Botanical Name: Cassia Auricalata (Leaf)
Tamil Name: ஆவாரை இலைப்பொடி / Aavaarai Ilai Podi
Malayalam Name: അവരം / Avaram
Telugu Name: తంగేడు / Tangedu
Hindi Name: तरवार / TarwarDescription:
Cassia auriculata Linn commonly known as Tanners Senna, is also known as Avaram tree. The plant has been reported to possess antipyretic, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antiperoxidative and antihyperglyceamic and microbicidal activity. C.auriculata has been shown to antiviral activity and anti spasmodic activity. Traditional
Uses: The plant is used in the traditional system of medicine for female antifertility, leprosy, worm infestation, diarrhoea, disease of pittam. The plant has been widely used as a cure for rheumatism and conjunctivitis. The various parts of the plant were reported to exert a beneficial effect to alleviate the symptoms of diabetes. This medicinal plant has been used for a long time to treat several ailments including diabetes, fever, high blood pressure, skin infections, female infertility, worm infestation, leprosy, diarrhoea, urinary disorder and digestive issues.Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Thaalisaathi Chooranam / தாளிசாதி சூரணம்
₹150.00 – ₹750.00Tamil Name: தாளிசாதி சூரணம் / Thaalisaathi Chooranam
Malayalam Name: താലിസാത്തി ചൂരണ / tālisātti cūraṇa
Telugu Name: తలిసాట్టి కురాణా / Talisāṭṭi kurāṇā
Hindi Name: तालीसत्ती चूर्णनं / Talisathi ChuranaDescriptions:
Thaalisaathi Chooranam contains herbal formulation of tewnty eight herbal plants.
1) Taxus Wallichiana Leaf. 2.48%
2) Cinnamomum verum Bark. 2.48%
3) Elettaria Cardamomum Fruit. 2.48%
4) Zingiber Officinale DriedRhizome 2.48%
5) Glycyrrhizaglabra Root. 2.48%
6) Ferula Foetida Oleoresin. 2.48%
7) Emblica Officinalis Fruit. 2.48%
8) Saussurea Costus Root. 2.48%
9) Piper Longum Fruit. 2.48%
10) Cuminum Cyminum Fruit. 2.48%
11) Anethum Graveolens Fruit. 2.48%
12) Trachyspermumammi Fruit. 2.48%
13) Nigella Sativa Fruit. 2.48%
14) Piper Longum Dried Bark. 2.48%
15) Syzygiumaromaticum Flower Bud 2.48%
16) Myristica Fragrans Houtt.(Aril.) 2.48%
17) PistaciaIntegerrima 2.48%
18) Myristica Fragrans Dried Seed. 2.48%
19) Terminalia belerica Fruit. 2.48%
20) Terminalia Chebula Fruit. 2.48%
21) Nardostachys Grandiflora Root. 2.48%
22) Piper Nigrum Dried Fruit. 2.48%
23) Cinnamomum Wightii Flower. 2.48%
24) Michelia Champaca Flower Bud. 2.48%
25) Embelia Ribes Fruit. 2.48%
26) Cinnamomum tamala Leaf. 2.48%
27) Coriandrum Sativum Dried Fruit. 5.71%
28) Saccharum Officinarum 29.81%Therapeutic Indications: வயிற்றெரிவு (Stomach Burning Sensation), வயிற்றுவலி (Stomach Pain), சுரம் (Fever), வாயில் நீர் சுரத்தல் (Saliva Secretion), தாகம் (Thirsty), பொருமல் (Flatulence), இருமல் (Cough), கை கால் குடைச்சல், உஷ்ணம், நீர்க்கட்டு, மயக்கம், நீர் கடுப்பு, நெஞ்செரிவு (Heart Burning Sensation), கை கால் கடுப்பு.
Dosage (Internal Uses): Before morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Thai Ginger Powder / சித்தரத்தைப் பொடி
₹60.00 – ₹120.00Botanical Name: Alpinia galanga (Root)
Tamil Name: சித்தரத்தைப் பொடி / Sitharathai Podi
Malayalam Name: ചിറ്റരത്ത / Chittaratha
Telugu Name: దుంపరాష్ట్రకము / Dumparaashtrakamu
Hindi Name: कुलंजन / KulanjanDescription:
Alpinia galangal Willd. is used in medication, culinary and cosmetics for centuries. It is widely used in dietry intake as well as in the traditional system of medicine viz., Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Chinese and Thai folk medicine. It has a pungent, hot and spicy taste with an aromatic ginger like odour.
Traditional Uses: The rhizome is used to improve appetite, taste and voice. It is also useful in vata, bronchitis and diseases of the heart. In Unani System, it has been used as stomachic, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic, expectorant, carminative which is useful for headache, rheumatic pains, sore throat, sour eructation, stuttering, pain in chest, diabetes, burning of the liver, tubercular glands and diseases of the kidney.
Therapeutic Uses: இரைப்பு நோய் (Bronchial Asthma), இருமல் (Bronchitis)Dosage: At morning after food, take 1/2 teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Thirikadugu Chooranam / திரிகடுகு சூரணம்
₹110.00 – ₹1,150.00Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale, Piper nigrum, Piper longum
Tamil Name: திரிகடுகு சூரணம் / Thirikadugu Chooranam
Malayalam Name: തിരികഡുഗു ചൂർണം / Tirikadugu Churna
Telugu Name: తిరికడుగు పొడి / Tirikadugu Podi
Hindi Name: तिरिकाडुगु चूर्ण / Tirikadugu ChurnaDescriptions: Thirikadughu Chooranam contains herbal formulation of dried fruits from three herbal plants in equal proportions.
1) Zingiber officinale Dried Rhizome. 33.33%
2) Piper nigrum Fruit. 33.33%
3) Piper longum Fruit. 33.34%
Therapeutic Indications: மாந்தம் (Dyspepsia), கழிச்சல் (Diarrhea), சன்னி நோய்கள், குளிரினால் உண்டாகும் நோய்கள், வயிற்று நோய்கள் [செரியாமை (Indigestion), வயிற்றுப் பொருமல் (Flatulence), செரியாமை வயிற்றுவலி (Stomach pain due to Indigestion)].Dosage (Internal Uses): After morning & night food, take ½ teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.