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Bawchan Seed Powder / கார்போகரிசிப் பொடி
₹35.00Botanical Name: Psoralea corylifolia L.(Seed)
Tamil Name: கார்போகரிசிப் பொடி / Kaarpokarisi Podi
Malayalam Name: കാർക്കോകിൽ / Karkokil
Telugu Name: బావంచాలు / Bāvan̄cālu
Hindi Name: बकुचिओ / BakuchiDescription: Psoralea corylifolia (Bawchan) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda and Tamil Siddha systems of medicine, and also in Chinese medicine. The plant has been widely used in Ayurvedic, Siddha and Chinese medicine system as a cardiac tonic, vasodilator, pigmentor, antitumor, antibacterial, cytotoxic and antihelmenthic. The seeds of the plant possess greater medicinal value and are used in indigenous system of medicine as laxative, aphrodisiac, anthelminitic, diuretic and diaphoretic in febrile conditions. Oral administration and local external application of seeds in form of ointment or paste have been valued in Ayurveda and thus recommended in the treatment for leucoderma, leprosy, psoriasis, hair loss and inflammatory diseases of the skin such as eczema.
Dosage (Internal Use): As directed by physician. External Useage: In this whole 100g powder mix with 20g turmeric powder and take adequate mix with coconut oil and apply to the skin at morning and evening or as directed by physician.
Bawchan Seed Powder / கார்போகரிசிப் பொடி
₹70.00 – ₹350.00Botanical Name: Psoralea corylifolia L.(Seed)
Tamil Name: கார்போகரிசிப் பொடி / Kaarpokarisi Podi
Malayalam Name: കാർക്കോകിൽ / Karkokil
Telugu Name: బావంచాలు / Bāvan̄cālu
Hindi Name: बकुचिओ / BakuchiDescription:
Psoralea corylifolia (Bawchan) is an important plant in the Indian Ayurveda and Tamil Siddha systems of medicine, and also in Chinese medicine. The plant has been widely used in Ayurvedic, Siddha and Chinese medicine system as a cardiac tonic, vasodilator, pigmentor, antitumor, antibacterial, cytotoxic and antihelmenthic. The seeds of the plant possess greater medicinal value and are used in indigenous system of medicine as laxative, aphrodisiac, anthelminitic, diuretic and diaphoretic in febrile conditions. Oral administration and local external application of seeds in form of ointment or paste have been valued in Ayurveda and thus recommended in the treatment for leucoderma, leprosy, psoriasis, hair loss and inflammatory diseases of the skin such as eczema.Dosage (Internal Use): As directed by physician.
External Useage: In this whole 100g powder mix with 20g turmeric powder and take adequate mix with coconut oil and apply to the skin at morning and evening or as directed by physician. -
Black Cumin Powder / கருஞ்சீரகப் பொடி
₹55.00Botanical Name: Nigella sativa (Seed)
Tamil Name: கருஞ்சீரகப் பொடி / Karunjeerakap Podi
Malayalam Name: പെരിഞ്ജീരകം / Karinjirakam
Telugu Name: నల్ల జీలకర్ర / Seemsopu Ginjalu
Hindi Name: कलौंजी / KalaunjiDescription: Nigella sativa seeds (Black Cumin) have wide therapeutic effects and have been reported to have significant effects against many ailments such as skin diseases, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, anorexia, conjunctivitis, dyspepsia, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, intrinsic hemorrhage, paralysis, amenorrhea, anorexia, asthma, cough, bronchitis, headache, fever, influenza and eczema.
Therapeutic Uses: சிரங்கு (Scabies), காமாலை, குன்மம் (Painful gastro intestinal disorder), மண்டைகரப்பாண் (Head Eczema), புண் (Ulcer).
Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (4g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Black Cumin Powder / கருஞ்சீரகப் பொடி
₹110.00 – ₹550.00Botanical Name: Nigella sativa (Seed)
Tamil Name: கருஞ்சீரகப் பொடி / Karunjeerakap Podi
Malayalam Name: പെരിഞ്ജീരകം / Karinjirakam
Telugu Name: నల్ల జీలకర్ర / Seemsopu Ginjalu
Hindi Name: कलौंजी / KalaunjiDescription:
Nigella sativa seeds (Black Cumin) have wide therapeutic effects and have been reported to have significant effects against many ailments such as skin diseases, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, anorexia, conjunctivitis, dyspepsia, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, intrinsic hemorrhage, paralysis, amenorrhea, anorexia, asthma, cough, bronchitis, headache, fever, influenza and eczema.
Therapeutic Uses: சிரங்கு (Scabies), காமாலை, குன்மம் (Painful gastro intestinal disorder), மண்டைகரப்பாண் (Head Eczema), புண் (Ulcer).Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (4g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Clearing Nut Tree Powder / தேற்றான் கொட்டைப் பொடி
₹110.00 – ₹550.00Botanical Name: Strychnos potatorum (Seed)
Tamil Name: தேற்றான் கொட்டைப் பொடி / Thettraan kottai Podi
Malayalam Name: റ്റെട്ടാംപാറൽ / Tettamparal
Telugu Name: చిల్లగింజ / Chillachettu
Hindi Name: समाशोधन / SamaashodhanDescription:
Strychnos potatorum (Clearing Nut Tree) is a medicinally important endangered forest tree species which belongs to Loganiaceae and is a herb well known in Ayurvedic and Siddha treatment of eye diseases, skin diseases, anorexia, diarrhea and renal calculi. According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are bitter, astringent to bowels, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic and good for liver, kidney complaints, gonorrhea, and colic. Traditionally, seeds are used for the treatment of complaints of the liver, kidneys and stomach and gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, bronchitis, chronic diarrhoea, strangury, kidney and bladder stones,diabetes and eye diseases.
Therapeutic Uses: மந்தம் (Indigestion), பசி (Hunger), புண் (Ulcer), வெள்ளை (Leucorrhoea), வெப்பு (Fever).Dosage: Twice or thrice a day, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Clearing Nut Tree Powder / தேற்றான் கொட்டைப் பொடி
₹60.00Botanical Name: Strychnos potatorum (Seed)
Tamil Name: தேற்றான் கொட்டைப் பொடி / Thettraan kottai Podi
Malayalam Name: റ്റെട്ടാംപാറൽ / Tettamparal
Telugu Name: చిల్లగింజ / Chillachettu
Hindi Name: समाशोधन / SamaashodhanDescription: Strychnos potatorum (Clearing Nut Tree) is a medicinally important endangered forest tree species which belongs to Loganiaceae and is a herb well known in Ayurvedic and Siddha treatment of eye diseases, skin diseases, anorexia, diarrhea and renal calculi. According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are bitter, astringent to bowels, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic and good for liver, kidney complaints, gonorrhea, and colic. Traditionally, seeds are used for the treatment of complaints of the liver, kidneys and stomach and gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, bronchitis, chronic diarrhoea, strangury, kidney and bladder stones,diabetes and eye diseases.
Therapeutic Uses: மந்தம் (Indigestion), பசி (Hunger), புண் (Ulcer), வெள்ளை (Leucorrhoea), வெப்பு (Fever).
Dosage: Twice or thrice a day, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Coriander Seed Powder / கொத்தமல்லிப்பொடி
₹40.00Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum (Seed)
Tamil Name: கொத்தமல்லிப்பொடி / Koththamalli Podi
Malayalam Name: കൊത്തമല്ലി മല്ലി / Kotha malli
Telugu Name: కొత్తిమీర ఆకు / Kottimira aku
Hindi Name: धनिया / DhaniyaDescription: Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L) is an annual and herbaceous plant, belonging to the Apiaceae family. The mature fruits have a fresh and pleasant flavour and are largely used all over the world in ground or volatile isolate form.
Traditional Uses: The seed has also been used to treat indigestion, worm infections, rheumatism, loss of appetite, convulsion, insomnia, anxiety and pain in the joints. In Iranian folk medicine, it has been recommended for relief of anxiety and insomnia. It is widely used as folk medicine as carminative, spasmolytic, digestive and galactagogue.
Therapeutic Uses: சாராய வெறி, குளிர்க்காய்ச்சல், நாவறட்சி (Dryness of mouth), புண் (Ulcer), தாகம் (thirst), வாந்தி (Vomiting), பித்தமாந்தம், விக்கல் (Hiccup), வெப்பம் (Fever).
Phytochemical Screening: The phytochemical screening of Coriandrum sativum showed that it contained essential oil, tannins, terpenoids, reducing sugars, alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, fatty acids, sterols and glycosides. It also contained high nutritional values including proteins, oils, carbohydrates, fibers and wide range of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. The previous pharmacological studies revealed that it possessed anxiolytic, antidepressant, sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant, memory enhancement, improvement of orofacial dyskinesia, neuroprotective, antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, insecticidal, antioxidant, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, mutagenic, antimutagenic, anticancer, gastrointestinal, deodorizing, dermatological, diuretic, reproductive, hepatoprotective, detoxification and many other pharmacological effects.
Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Coriander Seed Powder / கொத்தமல்லிப்பொடி
₹90.00 – ₹450.00Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum (Seed)
Tamil Name: கொத்தமல்லிப்பொடி / Koththamalli Podi
Malayalam Name: കൊത്തമല്ലി മല്ലി / Kotha malli
Telugu Name: కొత్తిమీర ఆకు / Kottimira aku
Hindi Name: धनिया / DhaniyaDescription:
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L) is an annual and herbaceous plant, belonging to the Apiaceae family. The mature fruits have a fresh and pleasant flavour and are largely used all over the world in ground or volatile isolate form.
Traditional Uses: The seed has also been used to treat indigestion, worm infections, rheumatism, loss of appetite, convulsion, insomnia, anxiety and pain in the joints. In Iranian folk medicine, it has been recommended for relief of anxiety and insomnia. It is widely used as folk medicine as carminative, spasmolytic, digestive and galactagogue.
Therapeutic Uses: சாராய வெறி, குளிர்க்காய்ச்சல், நாவறட்சி (Dryness of mouth), புண் (Ulcer), தாகம் (thirst), வாந்தி (Vomiting), பித்தமாந்தம், விக்கல் (Hiccup), வெப்பம் (Fever).
Phytochemical Screening: The phytochemical screening of Coriandrum sativum showed that it contained essential oil, tannins, terpenoids, reducing sugars, alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, fatty acids, sterols and glycosides. It also contained high nutritional values including proteins, oils, carbohydrates, fibers and wide range of minerals, trace elements and vitamins. The previous pharmacological studies revealed that it possessed anxiolytic, antidepressant, sedative-hypnotic, anticonvulsant, memory enhancement, improvement of orofacial dyskinesia, neuroprotective, antibacterial, antifungal, anthelmintic, insecticidal, antioxidant, cardiovascular, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, mutagenic, antimutagenic, anticancer, gastrointestinal, deodorizing, dermatological, diuretic, reproductive, hepatoprotective, detoxification and many other pharmacological effects.Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Cucumber Seed Powder / வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி
Original price was: ₹350.00.₹300.00Current price is: ₹300.00.Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus (Seed)
Tamil Name: வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி / Vellarai Vithai Podi
Malayalam Name: വെള്ളരി / Vellari
Telugu Name: దోసకాయ / Dosakaya
Hindi Name: खीरा / KhiraDescription:
Cucurmis sativus commonly called as ‘Cucumber’ is believed to be originated in Asia and it exist as wild cucumbers in India and closely related species found in eastern Himalayan. Traditional uses: In Ayurveda and Siddha, several medicinal properties have been attributed to Cucumber. Different parts of plant like seeds and leaves have been used. Particlularly, leaves are boiled and mixed with cumin seeds which are roasted and powdered and are administered for throat infections. It is used as refrigerant and also it is given in remitted and inflammatory fevers. Cucumber is used for thirst, bleeding disorder, anuria, burning disorder. Cold drink prepared from seeds is used in summer for soothing effect. Seed oil is used in burning, insomnia and frontal headache. The seeds are used as diuretic, tonic, anthelmintic and also as taeniacide.
Therapeutic Uses: சதையடைப்பு (Obstruction of Urethra), கல்லடைப்பு (Renal obstruction due to stones), மேக நோய் (Venereal disease), நீர்க்கட்டு (Oliguria), நீர்க்கடுப்பு (Burning micturition).Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Cucumber Seed Powder / வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி
Original price was: ₹350.00.₹300.00Current price is: ₹300.00.Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus (Seed)
Tamil Name: வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி / Vellarai Vithai Podi
Malayalam Name: വെള്ളരി / Vellari
Telugu Name: దోసకాయ / Dosakaya
Hindi Name: खीरा / KhiraDescription:
Cucurmis sativus commonly called as ‘Cucumber’ is believed to be originated in Asia and it exist as wild cucumbers in India and closely related species found in eastern Himalayan.
Traditional uses: In Ayurveda and Siddha, several medicinal properties have been attributed to Cucumber. Different parts of plant like seeds and leaves have been used. Particlularly, leaves are boiled and mixed with cumin seeds which are roasted and powdered and are administered for throat infections. It is used as refrigerant and also it is given in remitted and inflammatory fevers. Cucumber is used for thirst, bleeding disorder, anuria, burning disorder. Cold drink prepared from seeds is used in summer for soothing effect. Seed oil is used in burning, insomnia and frontal headache. The seeds are used as diuretic, tonic, anthelmintic and also as taeniacide.
Therapeutic Uses: சதையடைப்பு (Obstruction of Urethra), கல்லடைப்பு (Renal obstruction due to stones), மேக நோய் (Venereal disease), நீர்க்கட்டு (Oliguria), நீர்க்கடுப்பு (Burning micturition).Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Cucumber Seed Powder / வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி
Original price was: ₹80.00.₹75.00Current price is: ₹75.00.Botanical Name: Cucumis sativus (Seed)
Tamil Name: வெள்ளரி விதைப் பொடி / Vellarai Vithai Podi
Malayalam Name: വെള്ളരി / Vellari
Telugu Name: దోసకాయ / Dosakaya
Hindi Name: खीरा / KhiraDescription: Cucurmis sativus commonly called as ‘Cucumber’ is believed to be originated in Asia and it exist as wild cucumbers in India and closely related species found in eastern Himalayan.
Traditional uses: In Ayurveda and Siddha, several medicinal properties have been attributed to Cucumber. Different parts of plant like seeds and leaves have been used. Particlularly, leaves are boiled and mixed with cumin seeds which are roasted and powdered and are administered for throat infections. It is used as refrigerant and also it is given in remitted and inflammatory fevers. Cucumber is used for thirst, bleeding disorder, anuria, burning disorder. Cold drink prepared from seeds is used in summer for soothing effect. Seed oil is used in burning, insomnia and frontal headache. The seeds are used as diuretic, tonic, anthelmintic and also as taeniacide.
Therapeutic Uses: சதையடைப்பு (Obstruction of Urethra), கல்லடைப்பு (Renal obstruction due to stones), மேக நோய் (Venereal disease), நீர்க்கட்டு (Oliguria), நீர்க்கடுப்பு (Burning micturition).
Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Cuminum Seed Powder / சீரகப் பொடி
₹40.00Botanical Name: Cuminum cyminum (Seed)
Tamil Name: சீரகப் பொடி / Jeerakap Podi
Malayalam Name: ജീരകം / Jirakam
Telugu Name: జీరకం / Jiragam
Hindi Name: जिरगा / JiragaDescription: Cuminum showed wide range of pharmacological activities viz., antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, hypolipidemic, cardiovascular, central nervous, respiratory, immunological, anti-inflammatory, analgesic antipyretic and many other pharmacological effects. In addition, pharmacological studies further revealed that Cuminum cyminum exerted antimicrobial, insecticidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiplatelet aggregation, hypotensive, bronchodilatory, immunological, contraceptive, anti-amyloidogenic, anti-osteoporotic, aldose reductase, alpha-glucosidase and tyrosinase inhibitory effects, protective and central nervous effects.
Traditional uses: In traditional medicine, cumin was used to treat hoarseness, jaundice, dyspepsia and diarrhoea. Its seeds were used for stomachic, diuretic, carminative, stimulant, astringent and abortifacient properties.
Therapeutic Uses: அழல் நோய்கள் (Diseases due to deranged pitta Humour), சீதக்கழிச்சல் (Amoebic dysentery), ஈரல் நோய் (Liver disease), கல்லடைப்பு (Renal Calculi), காமாலை, குன்மம் (Painful gastro intestinal disorders with indigestion).
Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled with water & drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.