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  • -11%

    Agathi Leaf Powder / அகத்திக்கீரை பொடி


    Botanical Name: Sesbania Grandiflora (Leaf)
    Tamil Name: அகத்திக்கீரை பொடி / Agathikkeerai Podi
    Malayalam Name: ആഗാട്ടി / Agathi
    Telugu Name: ఎగిసే / Agise
    Hindi Name: अगस्त्य / Aghastya


    The health benefit of Sesbania include lower blood pressure and help keep arteries flexible, supports normal fetal development, beneficial for skin, boosts immunity, prevents Alzheimer’s disease, migraine, weakness. The health benefits of Sesbania make it an important constituent of any diet. Almost every single part of S. grandiflora is used in traditional medicine to treat an array of diseases such as dysentery, stomatitis, fever, small pox, sore throat, headache, etc. S. grandiflora leaves are highly nutritious and have been shown to contain significant amounts of proteins, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus.


    Before morning and evening, take 1/2 teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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  • -13%

    Asthma Plant Powder / அம்மான் பச்சரிசிப் பொடி


    Botanical Name: Euphorbia Hirta (Whole Plant)
    Tamil Name: அம்மான் பச்சரிசிப் பொடி / Ammaan Pacharisi Podi
    Malayalam Name: നിലം പാല / Nela Paalai
    Telugu Name: రెడ్డినే నరాలు / Reddine Narolu
    Hindi Name: दूधिया / Dudhiya

    Therapeutic Uses:
    Asthma plant is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, dysentery, intestinal parasitosis, etc.), bronchial and respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, etc.), and in conjunctivitis. Hypotensive and tonic properties are also reported in E. hirta. The aqueous extract exhibits anxiolytic, analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-infl ammatory activities. The stem sap is used in the treatment of eyelid styes and a leaf poultice is used on swelling and boils.

    After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled water & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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  • -17%

    Banyan Leaf Powder / ஆல இலைப் பொடி


    Botanical Name: Ficus Benghalensis (Leaf)
    Tamil Name: ஆல இலைப் பொடி / Aala Ilai Podi
    Malayalam Name: ആലം ഇല / Bargad
    Telugu Name: మర్రి చెట్టు ఆకు / Marri chettu aku
    Hindi Name: अंजीर का वृक्ष / Aalam Ilai

    Ficus bengalensis, a genus of family Moraceae is a tropical, deciduous, evergreen tree of the mulberry family. F.bengalensis is known as common name Bargad and cultivated as a Garden tree or Spiritual tree. The leaves of F. bengalensis is used as ulcer protective, leprosy and fever, inflammations.The milky juice is aphrodisiac, tonic, vulnerary, maturant also useful in piles, diseases of the nose, gonorrhea. In Yunani the aerial root is used for styptic, syphilis, biliousness, dysentery, and inflammation of liver.

    Dosage: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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  • -13%

    Cluster Fig Bark Powder / அத்திப்பட்டை பொடி


    Botanical Name: Ficus racemosa (Bark)
    Tamil Name: அத்திப்பட்டை பொடி / Atthippattai Podi
    Malayalam Name: അത്തി പട്ട / Aththi Pattai
    Telugu Name: అంజీర్ / Anjeer
    Hindi Name: अंजीर / Anjeer

    Description: Ficus racemosa Linn. (Moraceae) is an evergreen, moderate to large-sized spreading, lactiferous, deciduous tree 15-18 m high, without prominent aerial roots. Ficus is an exceptionally large pan-tropical genus with over 700 species distributed widely throughout the warmer parts of Asia, Africa, America, and Australia.

    Therapeutic Uses: F. racemosa is commonly known as ‘gular’, and all parts of this plant are regarded medicinally important in Ayurveda and Siddha. It has been used extensively in the treatment of சீதக்கழிச்சல் (Amoebic Dysentery, Diarrhea), குருதிப்போக்கு, மூலம் (Hemorrhages), வெள்ளை (Leucorrhoea). It is also used as a wash for wounds, highly efficacious in threatened abortions and also recommended in uropathy. A decoction of bark is given in asthma and piles.

    Dosage: After morning food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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  • -7%

    Indian Ginseng Root Powder / அசுவகந்தா வேர்ப்பொடி


    Botanical Name: Withania somnifera (Root)
    Tamil Name: அசுவகந்தா வேர்ப்பொடி / Aswagandha Verppodi
    Malayalam Name: അമുക്കുര / Amukkara
    Telugu Name: అశ్వగంధ / Asgandh
    Hindi Name: असगंध / Ashandh


    Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera, fam. Solanaceae) is commonly known as “Indian Winter cherry” or “Indian Ginseng”. It is one of the most important herb of Siddha and Ayurveda used wide ranging health benefits. It helps to promote a youthful state of physical and mental health and expands happiness. These types of remedies are given to small children as tonics, and are also taken by the middle-aged and elderly to increase longevity. Therapeutic

    Uses: Withania somnifera in the prevention and treatment of many stress induced diseases like arteriosclerosis, premature ageing, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and malignancy. Ashwagandha can be used to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and other neurodegenerative diseases at any stage of the disease, even before a person has been diagnosed and is still in the state of mild forgetfulness. Direction: After night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with honey or boiled milk & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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  • -10%

    Liquorice Root Powder / அதிமதுர வேர்ப்பொடி


    Botanical Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra (Root)
    Tamil Name: அதிமதுர வேர்ப்பொடி / Athimathura verppodi
    Malayalam Name: ഇരട്ടി മധുരം / Irattai Maduram
    Telugu Name: అతిమధురం / Atimadhuram
    Hindi Name: जेठीमधु / Jethimadhu

    Therapeutic benefits:

    சிறுநீர் எரிச்சல் (Urinary Irritation), எலும்பு நோய்கள்(Bone Diseases), இருமல் (Cough), காமாலை (Jaundice), கண் நோய்கள் (Eye problem),வயிற்றுப்புண் (Peptic Ulcer), வெண் குட்டம் (Leucoderma), வெப்பு நோய் (Fever) Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn, is a commonly used herb in Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine. Studies indicates that Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn possesses antibacterial, antioxidant, antimalarial, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyper glycemic properties. Various other effects like antiulcer, antiviral, antihepatotoxic, and antifungal. Its roots were also demonstrated to have antidepressant, hypotensive hepatoprotective, spasmolytic, memory strengthening activity.

    Direction: At morning empty stomach, take 1 teaspoon (5g) powder mix with warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.

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