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Asta Theepaakkini Chooranam / அஷ்டதீபாக்கினி சூரணம்
₹90.00 – ₹950.00Tamil Name: அஷ்டதீபாக்கினி சூரணம் / Asta Theepaakkini Chooranam
Malayalam Name: അസ്ത തീപാക്കിനി ചൂർണം / Asta Theepaakkini Churna
Telugu Name: అస్త తీపాక్కిని చూర్ణం / Asta Theepaakkini Churnam
Hindi Name: अस्त थीपाक्किनी चूर्ण / Asta Theepaakkini ChurnDescriptions:
Asta Theepaakkini Chooranam contains herbal formulation of dried fruits and seeds from eight herbal plants in equal proportions.
1) Zingiberofficinale DriedRhizome. 12.50%
2) Piper nigrum Fruit. 12.50%
3) Piper longum Fruit. 12.50%
4) Trachyspermumammi DriedFruit. 12.50%
5) Halite 12.50%
6) Cuminumcyminum Dried Seed. 12.50%
7) Nigella sativa Dried Seed. 12.50%
8) Ferula Foetida 12.50%Therapeutic Indications: அஜீரணகோளாறு (Indigestive problem), வாய்வு பிரச்சனைகள் (Gastric Problem) தீரும்.
Dosage (Internal Uses): After morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5 g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam / கபசுர குடிநீர் சூரணம்
₹130.00 – ₹650.00Botanical Name: Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam
Tamil Name: கபசுர குடிநீர் சூரணம் / Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam
Malayalam Name: കബാസുര കുടിനീർ ചൂരനാ / Kabasura Kudineer Choorana
Telugu Name: కబాసుర కుడినీర్ చూరనా / Kabāsura kuḍinīr cūranā
Hindi Name: कबसुरा कुदिनीर चूराना / Kabasura Kudineer ChooraanaDescriptions:
Kabasura Kudineer Chooranam contains herbal formulation of Fifteen herbal plants.
1) Zingiber officinale DriedRhizome. 6.66% 2) Piper longum Fruit. 6.66% 3) Syzygium aromaticum Flower Bud 6.66% 4) Tragia Involucrate 6. 66% 5) Anacyclus Pyrethrum 6.66% 6) Hygrophila Auriculaia 6.66% 7) Terminalia Chebula Fruit. 6.66% 8) Justicia Adhatoda L Leaf. 6.66% 9) Plectranthus Amboinicus 6.66% 10) Costus Speciosus 6.66% 11) Tinospora cordifolia 6.66% 12) Clerodendrum serratum 6.66% 13) Andrographis Paniculata Whole Plant. 6.66%
14) Cissampelos pareira Root. 6.66%
15) Cyperus Rotundus Rhizome. 6.67%Therapeutic Indications: கபசுரம் (FEVER). It helps to reduce all type of fever.
Dosage (Internal Uses): At morning in empty stomach take 5 g powder mix with honey or boil 5 g of powder with 100 ml of water till the decoction is concentrated to 75 ml and drink after filter (or) as directed by physician.
Neerilivu Chooranam / நீரிழிவு சூரணம் / Sakkaraikolli
₹120.00 – ₹600.00Tamil Name: நீரிழிவு சூரணம் / Neerilivu Chooranam
Malayalam Name: നീറിലിവ് ചൂരണം / nīṟiliv cūraṇaṁ
Telugu Name: నీరిలివు చూరణం / Nīrilivu cūraṇaṁ
Hindi Name: नीरिलिवु चूरानाम / Neerilivu chooranamDescriptions:
Neerilivu Chooranam (also Known as Sarkarai Kolli) contains herbal formulation of tewnty five herbal plants.
1) Saussurea Costus Root. 4.34%
2) Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Root. 4.34%
3) Berberisaristata DC. Dried Stem. 4.34%
4) Cinnamomum verum Dried Bark 4.34%
5) Termanilia chebula Fruit. 1.50%
6) Emblica officianale Fruit. 1.50%
7) Termanilia bellarcia Fruit. 1.50%
8) Tinospora cordifolia Whole Plant 4.34%
9) Curcuma Longa Root. 4.34%
10) Cyperus Rotundus. Root. 4.34%
11) Hemidesmusindicus (L.) R. Br. 4.34%
12) Clerodendrum serratum Root. 4.34%
13) Cymbopogonjwarancusa Root. 4.34%
14) Solanum Trilabatum Whole Plant. 4.34%
15) Salacia reticulate 4.34%
16) Cassia fistula L. StemBark. 4.34%
17) Cassia Auriculata Stem Bark. 4.34%
18) Syzygium cumini StemBark. 4.34%
19) Ficus Racemosa Stem Bark. 4.34%
20) Thespesiapopulnea Stem Bark. 4.34%
21) Terminalia arjuna Stem Bark. 4.34%
22) Ficus religiosa L. Stem Bark. 4.34%
23) Ziziphus Sativa Stem Bark. 4.34%
24) Pavoniazeylanica Root. 4.34%
25) Tribulusterrestris L. 4.34%.Therapeutic Indications: நீரிழிவு நோய் (Diabetes Mellitus).
Dosage (Internal Uses): Boil 5 g of powder with 200 ml of water till the decoction is concentrated. Take 30 ml to 60 ml twice daily at empty stomach (or) as directed by physician.
Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam / நிலவேம்பு குடிநீர் சூரணம்
₹130.00 – ₹650.00Botanical Name: Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam
Tamil Name: நிலவேம்பு குடிநீர் சூரணம் / Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam
Malayalam Name: നിലംകാഞ്ഞിരം കുടിനീർ ചൂരനാ / Nilamkanjiram Kudineer Choorana
Telugu Name: నిలవెంబు కుడినీర్ చూరనా / Nilavembu kuḍinīr cūranā
Hindi Name: चिरायता कुदिनीर चूराना / Chirayatha Kudineer ChooranDescriptions:
Nilavembu Kudineer Chooranam contains herbal formulation of NINE herbal plants.
1) Andrographis Paniculata Whole Plant. 11.11%
2) Vetiveria Zizanioides Root. 11.11%
3) Cymbopogon Jwarancusa Root. 11.11%
4) Santalum album HeartWood. 11.11%
5) Trichosanthes Cucumerina Whole Plant. 11.11%
6) Cyperus Rotundus Rhizome. 11.11%
7) Zingiber officinale DriedRhizome. 11.11%
8) Piper nigrum Fruit. 11.11%
9) Mollugo Cerviana Whole Plant. 11.12%Therapeutic Indications: அணைத்து சுரங்களும் (Fever) நீங்கும் [மலேரியா (Malaria), டெங்கு (Dengue), சிக்கன் குனியா (Chikungunya)] It Helps to reduce all types of viral fever.
Dosage (Internal Uses): Boil 5 g of powder with 200 ml of water till the decoction is concentrated. Take 30 ml to 60 ml twice daily at empty stomach (or) as directed by physician.
Pancha Theepaakkini Chooranam / பஞ்சதீபாக்கினி சூரணம் / Deewali Chooranam
₹190.00 – ₹950.00Tamil Name: பஞ்சதீபாக்கினி சூரணம் / Deewali Chooranam
Malayalam Name: ദീപാവലി ചൂരാന / Dīpāvali cūrāna
Telugu Name: దీపావళి చూరనా / Dīpāvaḷi cūranā
Hindi Name: दीवाली चूराना / Deevali ChuranaDescriptions:
Pancha Theepaakini Chooranam (Also Known as Dewali Chooranam) contains herbal formulation of Six herbal plants.
1) Zingiber officinale DriedRhizome. 10%
2) Piper nigrum Fruit. 10%
3) Piper longum Fruit. 10%
4) Elettaria Cardamomum Dried Fruit. 10%
5) Cuminum Cyminum 10%
6) Saccharum Officinarum 50%Therapeutic Indications: உஷ்ண நோய், பொருமல் (Flatulence), வாய்வு, மந்தம் (Dyspepsia), மயக்கம், அதிசுரம் (Severe Fever).
Dosage (Internal Uses): Before morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Santhirakaanthi Chooranam / சந்திரகாந்திச் சூரணம்
₹215.00 – ₹1,080.00Tamil Name: சந்திரகாந்திச் சூரணம் / Santhirakaanthi Chooranam
Malayalam Name: ശാന്തിരകാന്തി ചൂരണം / Sāntirakānti cūraṇaṁ
Telugu Name: శాంతిరకాంతి చూరణం / Sāntirakānti cūraṇaṁ
Hindi Name: शांतिकांथी चूर्णम / Shantirakaanthee choornamDescriptions:
Santhirakaanthi Chooranam contains herbal formulation of dried fruits, seeds, root, flower and bark from twenty five herbal plants in equal proportions. Composition:Composition :
1) Curculigo Orchioides Gaertn. Root. 4.08%
2) Saussurea Costus Root. 4.08%
3) Tribulus terrestris L. Fruit. 4.08%
4) Phoenix dactylifera L. Dried Fruit. 4.08%
5) Cuminum cyminum L. Fruit. 4.08%
6) Cyperus rotundus L. Root. 4.08%
7) Moringapterygosperma Gaertn. Seed. 4.08%
8) Syzygiumaromaticum 4.08%
9) Cinnamomum verumSt.Bk. 4.08%
10) Vitisvinifera L. 4.08%
11) Bombusaarundinacea (Retz.) Roxb. 4.08%
12) Mucunapruriens L. DC Seed. 4.08%
13) Illicium Verum Hook. Fruit. 4.08%
14) Ceibapentandra L. 4.08%
15) Cinnamomum wightiimeissn Flowers Bud 4.08%
16) Madhucalongifolia (Koen.) Flower. 4.08%
17) Glycyrrhizaglabra L. Root. 4.08%
18) Cinnamomum tamala L. 4.08%
19) Myristica Fragrans Houtt. Seed. 4.08%
20) Justicia adhatoda L. Seed. 4.08%
21) Lawsonia inermis L. Seed. 4.08%
22) Alternantherasessilis L. Seed. 4.08%
23) Maerua oblongifolia (forssk.) Root. 4.08%
24) Selenite 4.08%
25) Berberis aristata DC. Stem Bark. 2%Therapeutic Indications: மகாமூத்திர நோய், இந்திரிய நட்டம் [(விந்தணு விரயம்: Sperm lose)], யோனி நோய்கள் (Vaginal diseases), இரத்தப் பிரமேகம் (Blood related venereal infections), அழல் நோய்கள்.
Dosage (Internal Uses): After morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5 g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam / சௌபாக்கிய சுண்டி சூரணம் / Pirasava Chooranam
₹150.00 – ₹750.00Tamil Name: சௌபாக்கிய சுண்டி சூரணம் / Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam / பிரசவ சூரணம் / Pirasava Chooranam
Malayalam Name: സൗപാകിയ സുന്ദി ചൂരണം
sapākiya sundi cūraṇaṁ
Telugu Name: సౌపాకియ సుండీ చూరణం / Saupākiya suṇḍī cūraṇaṁ
Hindi Name: सौपाकिया सुंडी चूरानाम / Saupaakiya sundee chooranamDescriptions:
Sowpaakiya Sundi Chooranam (also Known as Pirasava Chooranam) contains herbal formulation of Sixteen herbal plants.
1) Zingiber Officinale Dried Rhizome. 25%
2) Eclipta Prostrata Whole Plant. 5%
3) Glinus lotoides L. Whole Plant. 5%
4) Barleria Prionitis L. 5%
5) Glinus Oppositifolius Leaf. 5%
6) Butea Monosperma Dried Leaf. 5%
7) Embeliaribes Burm. 5%
8) Terminalia Bellirica (Gaertn.) Roxn. 5%
9) Phyllanthusemblica 5%
10) Piper Longum 5%
11) Piper Longum 5%
12) Withania Somnifera 5%
13) Cissampelos Pareira 5%
14) Solanum Surattense Burm 5%
15) Hemi desmusindicus R.Br. 5%
16) Curculigo Orchioides Gaertn. 5%Therapeutic Indications: வாயூறல் (Saliva Secreation), வாய்க்கசப்பு (Mouth Bitterness), வயிறு சம்பந்தமான நோய்கள் (Stomach related diseases) யாவும் தீரும். It helps to women after delivery to enhance their immunity and body strength.
Dosage (Internal Uses): Before morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Thaalisaathi Chooranam / தாளிசாதி சூரணம்
₹150.00 – ₹750.00Tamil Name: தாளிசாதி சூரணம் / Thaalisaathi Chooranam
Malayalam Name: താലിസാത്തി ചൂരണ / tālisātti cūraṇa
Telugu Name: తలిసాట్టి కురాణా / Talisāṭṭi kurāṇā
Hindi Name: तालीसत्ती चूर्णनं / Talisathi ChuranaDescriptions:
Thaalisaathi Chooranam contains herbal formulation of tewnty eight herbal plants.
1) Taxus Wallichiana Leaf. 2.48%
2) Cinnamomum verum Bark. 2.48%
3) Elettaria Cardamomum Fruit. 2.48%
4) Zingiber Officinale DriedRhizome 2.48%
5) Glycyrrhizaglabra Root. 2.48%
6) Ferula Foetida Oleoresin. 2.48%
7) Emblica Officinalis Fruit. 2.48%
8) Saussurea Costus Root. 2.48%
9) Piper Longum Fruit. 2.48%
10) Cuminum Cyminum Fruit. 2.48%
11) Anethum Graveolens Fruit. 2.48%
12) Trachyspermumammi Fruit. 2.48%
13) Nigella Sativa Fruit. 2.48%
14) Piper Longum Dried Bark. 2.48%
15) Syzygiumaromaticum Flower Bud 2.48%
16) Myristica Fragrans Houtt.(Aril.) 2.48%
17) PistaciaIntegerrima 2.48%
18) Myristica Fragrans Dried Seed. 2.48%
19) Terminalia belerica Fruit. 2.48%
20) Terminalia Chebula Fruit. 2.48%
21) Nardostachys Grandiflora Root. 2.48%
22) Piper Nigrum Dried Fruit. 2.48%
23) Cinnamomum Wightii Flower. 2.48%
24) Michelia Champaca Flower Bud. 2.48%
25) Embelia Ribes Fruit. 2.48%
26) Cinnamomum tamala Leaf. 2.48%
27) Coriandrum Sativum Dried Fruit. 5.71%
28) Saccharum Officinarum 29.81%Therapeutic Indications: வயிற்றெரிவு (Stomach Burning Sensation), வயிற்றுவலி (Stomach Pain), சுரம் (Fever), வாயில் நீர் சுரத்தல் (Saliva Secretion), தாகம் (Thirsty), பொருமல் (Flatulence), இருமல் (Cough), கை கால் குடைச்சல், உஷ்ணம், நீர்க்கட்டு, மயக்கம், நீர் கடுப்பு, நெஞ்செரிவு (Heart Burning Sensation), கை கால் கடுப்பு.
Dosage (Internal Uses): Before morning & night food, take 1 teaspoon (5g) mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Thirikadugu Chooranam / திரிகடுகு சூரணம்
₹110.00 – ₹1,150.00Botanical Name: Zingiber officinale, Piper nigrum, Piper longum
Tamil Name: திரிகடுகு சூரணம் / Thirikadugu Chooranam
Malayalam Name: തിരികഡുഗു ചൂർണം / Tirikadugu Churna
Telugu Name: తిరికడుగు పొడి / Tirikadugu Podi
Hindi Name: तिरिकाडुगु चूर्ण / Tirikadugu ChurnaDescriptions: Thirikadughu Chooranam contains herbal formulation of dried fruits from three herbal plants in equal proportions.
1) Zingiber officinale Dried Rhizome. 33.33%
2) Piper nigrum Fruit. 33.33%
3) Piper longum Fruit. 33.34%
Therapeutic Indications: மாந்தம் (Dyspepsia), கழிச்சல் (Diarrhea), சன்னி நோய்கள், குளிரினால் உண்டாகும் நோய்கள், வயிற்று நோய்கள் [செரியாமை (Indigestion), வயிற்றுப் பொருமல் (Flatulence), செரியாமை வயிற்றுவலி (Stomach pain due to Indigestion)].Dosage (Internal Uses): After morning & night food, take ½ teaspoon (3g) powder mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
Triphala Chooranam / திரிபலா சூரணம்
₹65.00 – ₹320.00Botanical Name: Terminalia Chebula, Terminalia Bellirica, Emblica Officinalis
Tamil Name: திரிபலா சூரணம் / Thiripala Chooranam
Malayalam Name: ത്രിഫല ചൂർണം / Triphala Churna
Telugu Name: త్రిఫల పొడి / Triphala Podi
Hindi Name: त्रिफला चूर्ण / Triphala ChurnaDescriptions:
Triphala Chooranam is one of the most important Siddha and Ayurvedic supplements and is believed to have a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It contains herbal formulation of dried fruits from three herbal plants in equal proportions: Terminalia chebula (black myrobalan), Terminalia bellerica (bastard myrobalan) and Phyllantus emblica (Indian gooseberry).
1) Termanilia chebula Fruit. 33.33%
2) Emblica officianale Fruit. 33.33%
3) Termanilia belerica Fruit. 33.34%
Therapeutic Effects: Triphala is known to exert antibacterial action against a variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. It also act as an antiviral operator that acts against swine flu and other viruses.
Therapeutic Indications: மலச்சிக்கல் (Constipation), இருமல் (Cough/ Bronchitis), வாய் புண் (Stomatitis), கண் நோய் (Eye Disease).Dosage (Internal Uses): After night food, take 1 teaspoon (5 g) mix with honey or water & drink (or) as directed by physician.