Black Pepper Powder / மிளகுப் பொடி
Botanical Name: Piper nigrum (Dried Fruit)
Tamil Name: மிளகுப் பொடி / Milaku Podi
Malayalam Name: കുരുമുളക് / Kurumulaku
Telugu Name: మిరియాలు / Miriyalu
Hindi Name: कालीमिर्च / गुलमिर्च / Kalimirch / Gulmirch
Description: Piper nigrum (Black Pepper) is a well known spice considered as ‘‘The King of spices’’ among various spices. It contains a pungent alkaloid ‘‘piperine’’ which is known to possess many pharmacological actions. Piperine increases bioavailability of many drugs and nutrients by inhibiting various metabolising enzymes.
Pharmacological Activities: Piper nigrum and its active constituent ‘’Piperine’’exhibits diverse pharmacological activities like antihypertensive, antiplatelet, antioxidant, antitumor, anti-asthmatics, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrheal, antispasmodic, antidepressants, immunomodulatory, anticonvulsant, anti-thyroids, antibacterial, antifungal, hepato-protective, insecticidal and larvicidal activities.
Therapeutic Uses: அழல் நோய்கள் (Diseases due to deranged pitta humour), செரியாமை (Indigestion), காய்ச்சல் (Fever), சுவையின்மை (Tastelessness) (Numbness), வலி நோய்கள் (Pain).
Dosage: After morning & night food, take ½ teaspoon (500 mg) powder mix with honey or warm water & drink (or) as directed by physician.
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Medical Disclaimer | The items and data found on are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. These explanations, traditional uses, therapeutic explanations are given to the public for knowledge purposes only. Phytoherbs Nutricare urges you to look for the advice of a qualified professional for any health concern and as directed by them before taking any medicine or supplements. |
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